Day 2 of the Diet has arrived. After doing a little more research, the cleanse we're trying is the GM Diet, developed by General Motors to help their middle aged employees begin to lose weight in a healthy way.
The first day wasn't too bad. I've currently got a pretty terrible cold; body aches, chills, etc...So, maybe I would feel worse on the diet if I wasn't already so sick I've also had a tremendous headache, but I'm not sure if that's the cleanse and caffeine withdraw or the illness since I had a headache most of the weekend before the cleanse. Kyle says he's been pretty hungry, but so far holding strong! This morning I had already lost 4 lbs and Kyle had lost 3! We also broke down and made the Wonder Soup we're allowed to eat every day. The recipe is something like 6 onions, a whole bunch of celery, tomatoes, green peppers, and we threw in some mushrooms, combined with water and Lipton soup packets. The broth is really tasty, but the rest of it is pretty overwhelming, but at least we're able to eat something a little bit substantial.
Today is all veggies plus more soup if we want. So far today I started off the day with a baked potato and a little butter (That's what it says to do) and I've eaten baby carrots and a freezer package of corn....Maybe I should go for something green and leafy this evening. Kyle on the other hand packed himself a delicious looking lunch of lettuce, avocado, sweet peppers, carrots, and pico de gallo! I should have had him pack some stuff for me too, but since I stayed home sick, I guess I can fend for myself!
So, in summation: So Far, So Good! Hopefully I'll get over this cold soon, at least all the vitamins in the veggies should be helping! We're also taking our gummy vitamins :) I consider them a little treat, and it's really hard to just eat the serving of two. I'll let you know how the rest of today and tomorrow goes! But I'm pretty pleased with 4 lbs down, oh and I also need to drink some more water, but we made a pretty delicious apple cinnamon flavored water, so it's helping with the 10 glasses a day!
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